Technology Advancement

Technology does continue to progress in a speed that resembles the autobahn in Germany. So how do you keep up? Whether it be a PC (or mac), a video camera, social media, how can I handle managing staying up to date? These questions are questions I have asked myself. I have 24 years IT experience […]
Nay and YAYs of Video

Yay and Nay’s (dos and dont’s) of instructional and informative video production.
The Power of Your Story

Do you think that nobody wants to hear about your story? The power of your story is incalculable. Do you think that the events of your life or business cant relate to anyone else? Well, statistically you are right – most people do think that their own story is a sole history that nobody else […]
Branding Your Waiting Room

The average wait time in a medical office is 18 minutes and 13 seconds. In creating this post I know I only have 45 sec to 1 min to capture your attention – can you imagine waiting 18 minutes for this text to show up – while you stare at a blank white screen?