Church Website Design Questionaire

We created this form to help simplify the process and make sure that YOUR DNA shows.

We highly recommend that this be done on a desktop. That you take your time as it is a multistep form and we do not hold data until you click submit at the end. This form is a slider so the previous and next page will show slightly to the left and right. 

Here are some tips:

  • a ‘*’ indicates the field is required. 
  • any email field has to have the ‘@’ in it. 
  • any web address or URL must begin with “http://” or “https://”
  • At times you may need to scroll down to see the continue button. 

    Step 1

    Enter Physical Address of Church

    Enter State abbreviation

    Enter 5 digit zip code

    Enter the direct email for the senior pastor.

    enter the best phone number to contact you at. (not ministry number will not be made public)

    Enter full Church name (no acronyms) NONE

    Enter technical contact email for church (can be same as senior pastor but is required)


    choose yes if you have full control of the domain aforementioned. If you do not know what this is then choose "no"

    Tip: enter your CHURCH office number here.


    enter FULL web address for social media profile. Do not only give aliases or userid.

    Step 2

    keep in mind each ministry may or may not be a separate page depending on the content.

    i.e. Mens Ministry, Marriage Ministry, Pastoral Care

    What is the goal of this department (be detailed)

    Who are the leaders of this department?

    Step 3

    Tip: This will be used for the about us and leadership pages which are important to any church site.

    Tip: i.e. Mens Ministry, Marriage Ministry, Pastoral Care

    Tip: i.e. Senior Pastor, Young Adult Pastor, Childrens Pastor, etc..

    Tip: Share information about the leadership or ask them to provide input.

    Please put entire URL address to social media FOR THIS LEADER.

    Please put entire URL address to social media FOR THIS LEADER.

    Step 4

    Tip: Core Values are the values that help you make decisions, the why you decide ..

    Tip: when a new visitor comes is there a process in place to help them become a member?

    Tip: be sure to label what it is.

    Step 5

    Tip: This is a doctrinal statement of belief. Not required but many do look for this.

    If needed you may need to scroll down to find "SUBMIT" button. All required fields must be filled in.